Thursday, November 17, 2005

After playing a round of Taboo with Miss Sarah M., I realized that this game can provide a window into our cultural souls, and also forces us to find new ways to explain things, often leading to hilarity. In addition, it sparked my friendship with Sarah C., as long ago we admired each other’s Taboo prowess from afar.

For those of you who don’t know how to play, here’s how it works. You’re given a card, and on the top of the card is a word. For example: vodka. Then you need to explain this word to the other players, WITHOUT using any of the other words listed on the card. Continuing the above example: alcohol, Russian, martini, bloody mary, clear.

Here are some highlights from my game with Sarah M. that I found particularly funny or illuminating. Imagine the difference between our clues, and the clues 20-somethings in the 1800s would have given, or those our progeny will give in 2080!

Me: Ok! This is something that wimpy people consume, because they are lame and think that you should never do anything bad for you even if it’s pleasant or fun!
Sarah M: Decaf!

Me: OK, this is something green and slimy and it swims.
Sarah M: An alligator?
Me: No, but like, exactly the same thing.
Sarah M: A crocodile!

Me: Ok! This is someone who has a day named after them, but everyone’s like, is he good? Not really! He killed lots of Indians, so some people want to take his day away.
Sarah M: Christopher Columbus!

Sarah M: This is what angry people want to do to the leader of our country because they’re against the war.
Me: Lynch him!!
Sarah M.: Umm… no, the answer is impeach.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:45 PM

Blogger Two Shoes said...

Ahh, memories of the wine-stained taboo (how debaucherous of us!). Too bad we don't have that particular game in our game corner, or we could revisit fun old times on THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW when you will be here. Yay! Instead, we'll just have to play one of the multiple crappy Harry Potter games my roommate has accumulated.

5:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Par - change your settings so you can't get spam comments!

12:19 PM

Blogger Charlotte said...

How do I do that, the M?

9:21 AM


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