Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Trust? Nahhhh.

Last night, along with my Fresh Direct order, a funny little insight into my own brain was delivered right to my doorstep.

So my Fresh Direct was supposed to come between 8 and 10pm. My buzzer is half-broken (what isn’t, in my apartment? The shower, the smoke alarm, the carbon monoxide detector, Mr Rupert’s sanity, my computer, the windows all fall into this category) so that I can only buzz someone in, I can’t ask who it is or hear a response, prior to granting them access to the building.

The buzzer rings at 9:30pm, and I buzz them in without hesitating, since it’s Fresh Direct time. Bear in mind that it could have been any manner of hooligan or fiend, and I still would have let them reach my doorstep.

I look through my peephole, and see a large man carrying a very large object. Great, looks perfect. I open the door, and it is indeed Fresh Direct.

The Fresh Direct Man is very friendly and normal, and says hi to Mr Rupert and Ninja (any deliveryperson who acknowledges the cats gets bonus points in my book). I grab a pen from the counter, sign the thing saying he made the delivery, and then tip him……….. $2.

Look, OK, I know that’s not a great tip. But technically, I don’t think I have to tip them at all, they work on salary, not tips. And, I’m as broke as… my carbon monoxide detector. So he leaves, with his $2, and the second he leaves I lock the door in all ways possible.

Why, you ask? Because (get this!) I was scared he was going to come back, avec knife or gun, and attack me for tipping so poorly.

Yes! I actually thought this man who had just nuzzled Ninja’s whiskers was going to stab me. AND, this is someone who, BEFORE I knew that he was normal and nonsketchy, I had let into my building.

THEN, I hear a knock on the door. Adrenaline BLAST! He actually IS coming back to attack me, be it verbally or physically, for my poor tipping. I decide to not open the door, but he bangs and bangs and bangs, so I decide to face my fate. I open the door, prepared to say, “Sorry! I thought one of those ones was a five!” but then he says, “Miss, I kept your pen by accident. Here you go.”



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