Here is a typical domestic scene from my life. I love my kitten; I can say that unconditionally. However, sometimes I want to throttle his little neck. In the morning, he meows and howls outside the door until I let him in. When I let him in, he jumps onto the bed, nuzzles my nose once in a cruelly tantalizing hint of how things should be. Then, he takes one look at my hand and goes on a wild biting binge, culminating in him biting his way up my arm until he reaches my elbow. At the elbow biting I draw the line, as that really really really hurts.
Why does he do it? Why don’t I have a normal kitten? Will he grow out of it?
Mr. Ru! Oh, the fangs. I'm kind of worried about what will happen when he has a full set of teeth...
2:18 PM
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