
Well, this is my first blog posting of my first blog ever of ever!
i figure i'll just start right on in with an anecdote. a little while ago, i was getting ready for work (it was about 8:20am) when i hear a BANGBANGBANG on the door. at this point i am in my pj's (read: gross old clothes) and have unbrushed hair. i say, "who is it?" and they say, "NEW YORK FIRE DEPARTMENT OPEN UP!" now, as we all know, firemen are hot as ... fire. but, we also all know that no one wants to see a hot person at 8:20. so, i assemble myself slightly, open the door, and find myself face to face with 2 real live firemen, all decked out in their gear. there's a lag, and i say eloquently, "uh, what's up guys?" at which point they shove past me with urgency, smashing about my apartment what with their big suits and air tanks and truncheons 'n' stuff. i finally get their attention and ask why they are there. one turns to me and says, "for the leak! where is it!" i look at him blankly (it's 8:20) and he says, "didn't you call 911?" i say no. they look vaguely disappointed, and say, "guess it's downstairs, or somethin'." they then go away. later, i come home from work to find that in their well-meaning blustering about, they spilled a large glass of water all over my oak table, thereby ruining it. THANKS, NYFD!!!! but no, really, it's ok. firefighters can barge in whenever they like. ;)
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